Thursday 24 December 2015










Friends, perspective means a method to draw a picture that makes objects look solid. It also shows the distance, depth and effect this method produces in a picture.there are three ways to draw a perspective :
1.       One point perspective
2.       Two point perspective &
Three point perspective 

Watch video and enjoy this perspective exercise.

Drawing exercise 12


Saturday 19 December 2015

#drawing exercise_11

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint

Pencil shading means creating different shades with the help of a pencil. You always have to begin every drawing with a pencil. Basic shapes are first drawn with the help of a pencil. Pencils are also used to create different shades which can make drawings look real.

#drawing exercise_10

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint

#drawing exercise_09

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint

#drawing exercise_08

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint

#drawing exercise_07

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
Friends, in this exercise we shall learn how to draw and colour a symmetrical picture. Let me first explain to you the meaning of symmetry. Symmetry happens when exactly similar parts are shown facing each other. They are also known as mirror images of each other.]
Watch the video and enjoy this Symmetrical design exercise

#drawing exercise_06

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint

#drawing exercise_05

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
Friends, we shall learn about different types of colours with the help of a colour wheel. You all love to draw and colour. It is very important to draw neatly but it is also very important to choose colours wisely so that what you draw looks very nice. Remember friends, there are three types of colours.
      1)      Primary colours 2) Secondary colours 3) Tertiary colours
In this exercise you have to fill only Primary and secondary colours.
Primary colours are: Yellow, Blue and Red.
Secondary colours are: Green, Violet and Orange.
Fill colours neatly, and enjoy you exercise.

#drawing exercise_04

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
OK, friends, you all like to color and fill in shapes. In this exercise we will learn how to fill colors in basic shapes. You can see here some basic shapes – square, circle, rectangle, triangle, etc. You have to fill different colors in these shapes. You should always start coloring from the outline and then color inside so that the colors do not go out. Sometimes the colour may go out but you should not feel sad. Just keep trying again and again and soon you will get neatly coloured shapes. So enjoy your colour filling exercise. 

#drawing exercise_03

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
Dear Friends,we will now practice drawing the figure 8. Draw the number 8 without leaving your pencil. First draw clockwise direction. Keep on drawing which will give your hand a very good practice for curve lines. Then draw in the anti-clockwise direction. This will give you a good practice to draw in any direction you want. You can draw another 8 on the page and keep practicing.

Drawing exercise_02

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
So, let us begin our practice session. We begin by practicing to draw sleeping lines. Draw horizontal lines from the left side of the page to the right side. Continue drawing these lines one below the other. The more you practice, the steadier and straighter your lines will appear.
Now, draw horizontal or sleeping lines from the right side of the page to the left side. This is the exact reverse of what we did earlier. This is a great way to build our basics.   
Next, draw straight or standing lines. We will draw them from the top of the page to the bottom of the page. One by one, draw the standing lines parallel to each other. Remember, this practice will make your hand steady.
Now, draw standing lined from the bottom of the page to the top of the page. This will improve your control on your drawing.
In this series of practice, the next exercise is drawing cross lines. Start from the top left corner of your page. Draw cross lines from bottom left to top right as shown here. Keep drawing cross lines in this manner, one below the other.
Let us now reverse this exercise. We will draw cross lines from the top right to the bottom left. Draw the cross lines as parallel as possible.
We shall now do cross lines from left top to right bottom, starting from the right top corner of the page. As we had done earlier, we will draw the similar cross lines one below the other.
Now, we will practice to draw waves or curved lines. From the left top corner of the page, draw wave like curves going up and down, and up and down. Now, below the first wave, draw another wave parallel to the first. These waves should look similar to each other.  Continue drawing these waves, one below the other, till the bottom of the page.

Drawing exercise_01

#Drawing# exercise#tada-dada#art#club#learn#how#to#draw#and#paint
Take a pencil and start drawing circles like this. Draw them again and again without leaving your pencil. Don’t worry, they may not come neat. If you keep practicing, they will soon start looking perfect. Draw it in the anti-clockwise direction and clock-wise direction. Friends, we are doing this exercise so as to loosen up your wrist. When your wrist loosens up, your hand will move smooth and swiftly.